
Fitness - August 22, 2015

Posted by Kim Clendenan on Sep 28 2015 at 04:55AM PDT in 2015-2016 Bantam Girls

If polled, most would agree that summers are made for play. School is out, the days are stretched with daylight and even during the times when you have to work, the load just seems a little lighter. With that said, there is still a bit of a divide between the definition of work and play. Mark Twain seems to think that “work consists of whatever a body is OBLIGED to do, and play consists of whatever a body is NOT obliged to do.” Which begs the question . . . Is dry-land curling training work or play? If your version of work is anything more strenuous than bending your elbow with a cool summer drink then watching Team Clendenan at their first summer fitness session would have made you nauseous. Hours of cardio, strength training and more or less pushing themselves to their physical limits could easily fit under the title of work yet by Twain’s definition; none of the girls were obliged to be there so the boot camp must have fallen in the play category. Either way, the girls dutifully followed Laura’s orders (their physical trainer) and for the most part, they smiled as if they were having fun. Even coach Katherine jumped into the creative exercises to cheer the girls along. The 2015-2016 curling season may be in its infancy, but in case there was any doubt, the dedication of Team Clendenan to the upcoming season began the day after their last season ended. Whistle while you work ladies!


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